Citroën introduces new hydrogen van

Citroën har introduced its new ë-Jumpy Hydrogen – a van powered by hydrogen fuel cells, which among other things offers more than a 400 km long distance on one tank a refueling time of less than three minutes. Citroën ë-Jumpy Hydrogen is the company’s first hydrogen-powered van which still manages to maintain its volume and…

20 mio. kr. will support collaboration on green research

The VILLUM FOUNDATION grants DKK 20 mio. to GreenLab Skive over a three-year period. The purpose is to strengthen the research collaboration between GreenLab Skive and a number of Danish Universities, led by DTU. The research is aimed at providing smart green energy solutions that will hopefully be scaled up for both national and international…

Everfuel plans 300 MW HySynergy Phase II electrolyser in Fredericia

Everfuel A/S has announced plans for a phase II-development of HySyngergy at Fredericia refinery, which includes a 300 MW electrolyser and PtX facility. This involves a scale-up enlargement of green hydrogen, of which 20% will be used directly as zero emission mobility, and the rest 80% will be allocated as green raw material for production…