Everfuel plans 300 MW HySynergy Phase II electrolyser in Fredericia

Everfuel A/S has announced plans for a phase II-development of HySyngergy at Fredericia refinery, which includes a 300 MW electrolyser and PtX facility. This involves a scale-up enlargement of green hydrogen, of which 20% will be used directly as zero emission mobility, and the rest 80% will be allocated as green raw material for production…

Sector shout out: Ambitious CO2-displacement requirements will clear the path for PtX

In a joint article in Altinget, Hydrogen Denmark, Drivkraft Danmark and Wind Denmark demand higher ambitions for CO2-displacement in the transport sector. Create a long-term and ambitious CO2-displacement requirement. Then we can get started with Power-to-X An updated CO2-displacement requirement must ensure the necessary investments in Power-to-X (PtX) in the part of the transport cannot…