BeyondGas 2023
Join us at this year’s Power-to-X conference, BeyondGas, at the Oldenburg Castle from 5-7 september 2023. BeyondGas is an annual conference that gathers the most important companies, organisations and public stakeholders in the German Power-to-X economy. The event seeks to accelerate the development of the hydrogen economy by facilitating cross-border action and networking.
This year Danish companies can join a formal Danish delegation to the conference, where you will – besides attending the two day conference – get the chance to promote your company in a formal presentation during a working lunch, networking sessions, as well as a prominent place for your logo in the marketing material for the conference.
Please read more about the advantages here, as well as registration: Danish business delegation to BeyondGas 2023 in Germany.
Read more about the conference here: BeyondGas
This event is organized by Hydrogen Denmark, DI, co-finansed by The Trade Concil and funded by the European Union.