Hydrogen Mobility Europe

Hydrogen Mobility Europe is a flagship project giving fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) drivers access to the first truly pan-European network of hydrogen refuelling stations.
Hydrogen Denmark is communication partner and has established the portal Brintbiler.dk to account for the current state of hydrogen infrastructure in Denmark.

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Biocat Roslev

The Danish project Biocat Roslev is preparing for the build of the first big scale biomethanisation system.

Once this preparation phase is finished, the facility will be built near Roslev.

Hydrogen Denmark is dissemination partner in the project.

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The FutureGas project includes all major stakeholders of the Danish gas industry and the main purpose is to contribute to growth and green transition through interdisciplinary and coordinated research across the gas sector.

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HyLaw stands for Hydrogen Law and removal of legal barriers to the deployment of fuel cells and hydrogen applications. It is a flagship project aimed at boosting the market uptake of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies providing market developers with a clear view of the applicable regulations whilst calling the attention of policy makers on legal barriers to be removed.

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Finished projects

Over the years, Hydrogen Denmark has been an active project partner in many national and European projects. Here you can find the finished projects and see their results (in Danish).

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