Nyt medlem: Brintbranchen byder velkommen til Hy24
Hydrogen Denmark is proud to announce the clean hydrogen investment fund manager Hy24 as our most recent member. Hy24 is the world’s largest investment fund manager exclusively dedicated to driving forward the hydrogen industry and scaling up the global hydrogen economy.
In a comment on the announcement regarding the membership of Hy24, Tejs Laustsen Jensen, CEO of Hydrogen Denmark, says:
“We are delighted that Hy24 has chosen to become a member of Hydrogen Denmark. Denmark represents vast hydrogen opportunities, and as the dedicated national hydrogen association, we are glad that Hy24 sees us as a natural strategic partner in their continued efforts to invest in and drive forward the hydrogen development. Green hydrogen is at the heart of both the green transition and the strengthening of new industries.
Hy24 is an important partner in this evolution of green hydrogen as the key to unlock both climate action and growth potential, and I look forward to our collaboration.”
Pierre-Germain Marlier, Investment Director at Hy24, emphasizes the hydrogen market opportunities that lie in Denmark:
“Hy24 strongly believes in Denmark’s immense potential to become a major producer of renewable hydrogen, a belief that has already translated into direct private investments in renewable hydrogen production capacity in Fredericia, through Hy24’s joint-venture with Everfuel.
As we prepare to make additional investments to expand production capacity in Fredericia and other locations in Denmark, we believe this is the perfect moment to strengthen our ties with the broader stakeholder community brought together by Hydrogen Denmark and, with a collaborative spirit, work towards improving investment conditions in Denmark across the entire hydrogen value chain.”
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Tejs Laustsen Jensen – direktør Brintbranchen
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