North Rhine-Westphalia Hydrogen Summit
North Rhine-Westphalia is a leader in the hydrogen economy – not only in the industrial context, but also in research and use in mobility. For the transformation into a modern, climate-neutral location, NRW is building the largest hydrogen ecosystem in Europe in terms of innovation, production and infrastructure.
The NRW HY Summit 2022 will give you insights into this ecosystem – look forward to a broad program:
08.11.: Plant tour and welcome reception at thyssenkrupp Steel Europe in Duisburg (limited number of participants/separate invitation in early September)
09.11.: International NRW HY Summit with startup-session and exhibition followed by an evening reception in Essen
10.11.: Site tours to HY projects in the Ruhr Metropolitan region, the Rhineland mining area and the Rhineland area
Listen to keynotes from Mona Neubaur, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the State of NRW as well as from Katharine Reiche, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Westenergie and of the National Hydrogen Council. National and international key-players of the hydrogen economy, e. g. from thyssenkrupp Steel Europe, Plug Power, Cummins, Enapter, and RWE, will discuss in panels the development of the hydrogen economy in NRW, the transformation to a climate-neutral industry as well as the question on how to secure the supply at stable prices.
Registration: NRW HY Summit 2022