Hydrogen, electrofuels, CCU & CCS in a Nordic context
Nordic Energy Research invites you to two days of workshops and site visits on September 26–27th in Fredericia, Denmark.
Link to registration: Hydrogen, electrofuels, CCU & CCS in a Nordic context
Monday, September 26th
Registration and coffee
Green transition; local planning and citizen involvement
Moderator: Maj Dang Trong, Senior Adviser at Nordic Energy Research
Welcome speech by Tommy Rachlitz-Nielsen, City Council member and Chairman of “Klima-, Energi- og Miljøudvalget” in Fredericia
Hydrogen, e-fuels, and CCUS in a Nordic context
Introduction to Nordic Energy Research and presentation of the report and its recommendations by Svend Søyland, Senior Adviser at Nordic Energy Research. Read the report here
Light refreshments
The role of hydrogen in the Green Transition
Moderator: Maj Dang Trong
“New InnoMission project on cooperation between municipal planning and citizens in the green transition”, Anders Horsbøl, Aalborg University
Three parallel breakout sessions:
Breakout sessions 1: “From NIMBY to PIMBY (not in my backyard; please in my backyard): Who has the ball – what do we need to accelerate the hydrogen economy?”
Facilitator: Maj Dang Trong
Breakout session 2: “Municipalities and citizen acceptance, how to follow through on millennium targets, citizen engagement processes, and planning efforts to implement change”
Facilitator: Anders Horsbøl
Breakout session 3: “Hydrogen value chains, what should be the rules for the new energy domain?”
Facilitator: Svend Søyland
Summary of breakout sessions – findings and recommendations
Moderator: Svend Søyland
Networking lunch
Circularity – creation of industrial symbiosis
“Political process, permitting and public involvement – how to deal with new hydrogen facilities”, Tommy Rachlitz Nielsen
“How to generate public support for the green transition”, Søren Schmidt Thomsen, CEO, Triangle Energy Alliance
“Circularity as a guiding tool towards industrial symbiosis”, Per Møller from the Kalundborg Symbiosis takes us through a session on creating a green energy business through local industrial symbiosis
Wrap up and practical information
Dinner at Best Western Fredericia (Kronprinsen), Vestre Ringvej 96, 7000 Fredericia
Tuesday September 27th
Site visits, start from MesseC, tour bus
Coffee and croissants at MesseC
Bus leaves at 09:00
Roundtrip of Fredericia Harbour, Associated Danish Ports (ADP). Rune Rasmussen, CEO, Triangle Energy Alliance
Arrival at Fredericia Spildevand og Energi, coffee, sandwiches. Tour of the facility and presentation
Sludge2Fuel – Producing sustainable fuels. Peter Daugbjerg, Center Manager at FSE
Roundtrip via DanmarkC; Companies in the area include Google, Taulov Dry Port, Ørsted power station and several major transportation and logistics companies etc
Presentation on board: Oliver Wolgast, CEO of Towii
Arrival and registration at Energinet, Tonne Kjærsvej 65, 7000 Fredericia
Welcome to Energinet, refreshments
Presentation by Nicolai Sørensen, Senior Strategic Advisor, Energinet on “Energinet perspectives on hydrogen infrastructure and the role of hydrogen in an integrated energy system”
End of workshop