In a joint article in Altinget, Hydrogen Denmark, Drivkraft Danmark and Wind Denmark demand higher ambitions for CO2-displacement in the transport sector.

Create a long-term and ambitious CO2-displacement requirement. Then we can get started with Power-to-X

An updated CO2-displacement requirement must ensure the necessary investments in Power-to-X (PtX) in the part of the transport cannot be electrified with batteries. This is the message to Christiansborg from Tejs Laustsen Jensen, Brintbranchen, Jan Hylleberg, Wind Denmark, and Jacob Stahl Otte , Drivkraft Danmark:

If there is no political will to increase the target significantly and at the same time include ILUC (Indirect Land Use Change), Power-to-X fuels can only be promoted with a separate requirement for a minimum share of Power-to-X fuels in the target fulfillment.

As representatives of companies throughout the value chain from production to consumers, we will call on the government and the Parliament to follow up on this summer’s climate agreement with a broad political agreement on a long-term and ambitious CO2-displacement requirement that points forward to 2030 and the years thereafter.

It must ensure the necessary demand and investments in Power-to-X for the part of the transport that cannot become electrified with batteries and form the basis for a new Danish export adventure. ”

Read more at Altinget’s website her.

